Sunday, April 17, 2011


I think this will be more of an opinion post than anything:

I may have stated my opinion about this early but here we go again. I've been doing some observing over a period of time and noticed what happens to people when they get a title. It seems that you can take the most experienced and well liked individual, give them a title, and what happens? They lose all common sense, think they are better than everyone else, and cannot relate to those he/she worked along side. They spend all their time in "meetings" and have lost touch with the real world. Yes meetings are a necessary evil in the corporate world but really how many meetings do you have in one week?

There are a few exceptions to this rule of course; some people refuse to drink the kool-aide. What happens to them? They are bashed, made into a scapegoat when things go wrong, and either end up giving in and "conforming" or they leave all together. Why is it that people have lost sight of the primary goal? This rat race we live in today has become our downfall. I think that those individuals in the "upper management" feel intimidated when someone else comes up with an idea or suggestion or they get scared when they see someone who cares about their job and is enthusiastic about it. The sad part is because this person doesn't have a "title" they are often ignored. I think I'll close with one of my favorite quotes...

"It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles." Niccolo Machiavelli

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jobs: International, Travel, and Remote Medical

By no means will this list be extensive but it is the best that I currently have. I've been asked by some folks about travel jobs and over seas work but since I have not done this type of job before I can only answer general questions. I do have resources that I can pull from if needed. So without further delay here comes the list:

  • USA Jobs ( Civilian positions for the US Government, covers a wide range of medical specialties. Think outside the box, just because there are no current paramedic listings doesn't mean that you do not qualify for other in hospital jobs.

  • EMS Fire/Rescue Jobs ( Set up by state for job postings On blogspot check out Remote Medic Jobs, has some decent info on it. Also if you're on EMT life check out the blog on over seas employment, excellent insight by sandbox medic.

  • Remote, Offshore and Tactical Medical Positions ( Large list of links to employers who hire for various locations and positions. I apologize if I've listed some of their links twice.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rename my Blog

OK I need a new name for my blog...Any suggestions or ideas? Nothing negative please. So start thinking away and shoot me your thoughts.

The future of paramedicine

Take a look back 5 years ago; remember ACLS back then? Amazing how its changed. Look at all the advances in technology we have and the tools we have at our disposal. It is an exciting time to be practicing prehospital medicine...Or is it?

Yes I've griped about education and I am a firm believer in education. There is however, a darker trend that seems to be creeping into our world. Maybe I've just been oblivious to the fact but it is something that seems to becoming more and more prevalent. Do you remember when you first started into this field? Do you remember why you started in this field? Did you have an individual who for no personal gains take you under their wing and guide you along your path? Do you remember when everything clicked? Wasn't it a great feeling? Not only did you feel accomplished and dare I say proud that you made it through and helped someone in need? Isn't it amazing to see that look on someone else's face when it clicks for them?

I feel that society has warped some folks in the prehospital world. That mentorship which was an important part for so many of us early on isn't there any more. There are a handful of individuals out there that still feel like I do and want to see this field grow and mature but it seems many have fallen victim to society. "It's all about me and forget everybody else." People often times forget their humble beginings. Why is it that when someone either gets a title or is the "senior" medic on shift they develop medial caudal rectal supression?

It seems that priorities have shifted, money is the priority or it's all about "me", and in some instances they Hypocratic oath seems to be an elective in medical school. Am I saying all practitioners are money hungry heartless bastards? No I'm not; I'm blessed to work with some wonderful individuals doing a job that many people still want to do. Not only that but I get to see students from the begining of their training up till graduation and see how they have learned and developed new skills and confidence. I guess what I'm getting at is many people need to face that individual in the mirror and take a good hard long look at themselves and see if they can find that young, eager and scared half to death person they were years ago and remember how things were then.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another distance education opportunity

Just finished reading a JEMS article this month and found that the University of Pittsburgh offers a BS in Emergency Medicine through their School of Health & Rehab Medicine. I've put the link below for your curiosity. Also just a heads up you would have to attend the senior seminar on campus in Pittsburgh but hey it's the only time you have to go on campus.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Where are we going?

Needless to say its been an interesting ride so far with all the changes our class and campus has been through. I am please to see that many of you are getting more involved with the class and securing the future of the program.

I would like to see some form of a BS degree available in the state for emergency services. Our class is very unique and everyone has grown to know each other quite well since last fall. Many of you have discussed with me what your future plans are and I could not be happier for each of you. My only request is no matter where you go or how far up the ladder you climb do not lose yourself or forget where you came from. Many folks once they have some form of power forget their humble beginings. Always do what's right for the patient, stand up for your partner and your crews as long as they are in the right.

Guess I really don't have much else to say that I haven't put in an email at like 0200. Stay safe.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What to do what to do

Well to the small mass that follow this crazy thing we all know what bit of info was given to us a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure I'm sticking my neck out but hey I want what's best for the student's and the possibility of a future program. I want to help out as much as possible but I am limited in what I can do given my role as a faculty member.

I can help put something together whenever we meet again if you'd like but I can at least provide statistics that may help...

  • 3,336 certified paramedics are certified in Indiana at the end of the 2009 final quarter (source IDHS)
  • Indiana has a population of approximately 6.4 million (US Census)
  • I am unable to find numbers but Ivy Tech has the most amount of available training sites for EMS, IUPUI also has a medic program. While some hospitals are able to maintain their programs the fact is that since the state mandated accreditation there are less and less training institutes.
  • I feel that a college level education with EMS is essential to advancing the career of the individual as well as the profession itself.
  • If Indiana passes licensure for paramedics, then there is no option WE must have a college degree to become licensed. I'm not counting those folks who are "old timers' that will be grandfathered in.
  • Looking back at the numbers of paramedics; most of them are in the larger metropolitan areas and there are very few in the rural setting. I consider our surrouding area as rural despite Bloomington being a decent sized town.

I'm at a loss for anything more than this, if you have ideas or thoughts let me know.