Thursday, March 18, 2010

What to do what to do

Well to the small mass that follow this crazy thing we all know what bit of info was given to us a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure I'm sticking my neck out but hey I want what's best for the student's and the possibility of a future program. I want to help out as much as possible but I am limited in what I can do given my role as a faculty member.

I can help put something together whenever we meet again if you'd like but I can at least provide statistics that may help...

  • 3,336 certified paramedics are certified in Indiana at the end of the 2009 final quarter (source IDHS)
  • Indiana has a population of approximately 6.4 million (US Census)
  • I am unable to find numbers but Ivy Tech has the most amount of available training sites for EMS, IUPUI also has a medic program. While some hospitals are able to maintain their programs the fact is that since the state mandated accreditation there are less and less training institutes.
  • I feel that a college level education with EMS is essential to advancing the career of the individual as well as the profession itself.
  • If Indiana passes licensure for paramedics, then there is no option WE must have a college degree to become licensed. I'm not counting those folks who are "old timers' that will be grandfathered in.
  • Looking back at the numbers of paramedics; most of them are in the larger metropolitan areas and there are very few in the rural setting. I consider our surrouding area as rural despite Bloomington being a decent sized town.

I'm at a loss for anything more than this, if you have ideas or thoughts let me know.