Tuesday, December 22, 2009

BS Degrees for Paramedics

Yes there are some colleges out there that offer a bachelor's degree in paramedicine or a general health science BS. A good majority of them are through distance education which is great! I've put together a list of them and the links to the programs. If I have any insight to them or other info I'll put my two-cents worth in as always. Hope this helps!

University of South Alabama - www.southalabama.edu/ems/bachelor.html

Loma Linda University (California) - www.llu.edu/allied-health/sahp/emc/index.page
This is not available as a distance education program

San Jose State University - Health Science Degree www.sjsu.edu/healthscience/programs/undergraduate/options/Option_5/

George Washington University (Washington D.C.) - www.gwumc.edu/healthsci/programs/ems_bs/

Eastern Kentucky University - www.justice.eku.edu/ssem/emc/

Northern Kentucky University - Health Science Degree alliedhealth.nku.edu/programs/healthscience/index.php

University of Maryland - Baltimore County - ehs.umbc.edu/

Creighton University (Nebraska) - www.creighton.edu/ems/options/degree/index.php

University of New Mexico - hsc.unm.edu/SOM/emsacad/index.shtml

Western Carolina University - Offers an Emergency Medical Care or Emergency & Disaster Management Degree www.wcu.edu/5699.asp or www.wcu.edu/4637.asp

Youngstown State University (Ohio) - BS in Allied Health offered via Distance Education bchhs.ysu.edu/dhp/ahlth/

Drexel University (Philadelphia)- BS in Health Services Admin, BS Health Sciences, and a certificate in Emergency Management www.drexel.edu/cnhp/health_sciences/pathway_about.asp or www.drexel.edu/cnhp/health_services/about.asp or

University of Pittsburgh - www.shrs.pitt.edu/embs/

University of Texas Health Science Center - Emergency Health Science and it's distance education as well! You do not have to have a Texas license in order to enroll

Central Washington State (Washington state...) www.cwu.edu/~hhpn/paramedics.html

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